The Redwall Newsline The Redwall Newsline


- Rakkety Tam
- The Ribbajack & Other Curious Yarns
- A Divvil of a Lad
- Mossflower Collector's Edition


- The Tribes of Redwall: Mice
- The Tribes of Redwall: Hares
- The Tribes of Redwall: Shrews


- Redwall Sculptures
- Redwall Animation
- The Redwall Readers Club


- The Long Patrol
- RWTV: Redwall on TV

-The Redwall Newsline is a Redwall Top 100 Retiree, after over a year at #1-

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The Tribes of Redwall: Mice

Written by Brian Jacques
Illustrated by (Jonathan Walker probable)

The Tribes of Redwall is a companion series to Redwall. The Tribes of Redwall: Mice is the third book in the series (the first two being Badgers and Otters). The companion (similar to the Redwall Riddler and Friend & Foe) will contain information on the main mice characters, a quiz, and a poster.

Mice has already been released in the UK and will be released in the US February/March ('04).

Cover Art
Tribes of Redwall: Mice
Artist Unknown (Jonathan Walker?)

  - Brian Jacques
  - Jonathan Walker probable
Release Date
  - UK: Released
  - UK: 3/04*
Page Count
  - N/A
  - 0099414147
  - None

Page Design Copyright © 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004