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- Doomwyte
- Urso Brunov and the White Emperor
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- A Divvil of a Lad


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A Divvil of a Lad

Written by Brian Jacques
An Autobiography

For the time being, the A Divvil of a Lad project has been shelved. It's unknown whether or not it will ever be published, but we remain optimistic. Keep checking The Redwall Newsline for further developments.

Printed in a May 14th, 2002 article for Publisher's Weekly by Heather Vogel Frederick:
Jacques is putting the finishing touches on an autobiography he's writing for Philomel. The working title is A Divvil of a Lad--"that's what my grandmother used to call me," Jacques says.

"The first part tells about when I was a little kid in wartime, growing up in a Catholic working-class parish along the docks in Liverpool," he says. "I was laughing the other week while writing about Sister Mary Veronica. She was from Connemara, and carried a cane as big as herself. Here we were, five-year-old kids at St. John's School for the Totally Bewildered, and when she'd cane you she used to say"--here he softens his voice into a lilting brogue--"'You can thank your lucky stars I'm in a lenient mood, but woe betide you if you ever cross my path again!' Now I'd heard of low tide and high tide and flood tide, but I'd never heard of a woebetide. I figured it was a tide governed by Sister Mary Veronica's lucky stars."

In the February 2002 edition of "Ask Brian" on, Brian was asked whether or not he'd write an autobiography.
Q: Mr. Jacques, the story of your life sounds very intriguing. Have you ever considered writing some sort of autobiography, or are there already parallels between your life and the characters/events in your novels (like Gonff, for instance)?

A: Penguin Putnam, my American publisher is planning a biography in the next year or so.

Whether or not A Divvil of a Lad will ever see print remains to be seen. Keep checking back for more details.

Cover Art

  - Brian Jacques
  - N/A
Release Date
  - Unknown
Page Count
  - N/A
  - N/A
  - The Life of Brian Jacques

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