The Redwall Newsline The Redwall Newsline


- Doomwyte
- Urso Brunov and the White Emperor
- Eulalia!
- Redwall: The Graphic Novel
- A Divvil of a Lad


- The Tribes of Redwall


- Songs from Redwall (CD)
- Redwall Sculptures
- Redwall Animation
- The Redwall Readers Club


- The Long Patrol
- RWTV: Redwall on TV

-The Redwall Newsline is a Redwall Top 100 Retiree, after over a year at #1-

10 vote average
15 vote average high
2079 outgoing votes
3818 votes overall (TOP 100 HIGH)
The Redwall Readers Club

There is an official Redwall Club being operated via snail mail (normal post office) called The Redwall Readers. The Redwall Readers Club is operated by The Redwall Abbey Co. Ltd. on behalf of Brian Jacques.

Members of the Redwall Readers Club will receive a members packet twice a year-- usually June/July and November/December. The packet contents change, but usually consist of bookmarks, recipes, stickers, a biography of Brian Jacques, a poster, and collectible trading cards.

Joining the club requires a small fee to cover postage and handling.
For residents of the United States - $8.00
For residents of the United Kingdom - £2.50
Anywhere else - $8.00 (US currency) or £4.00
(note from regarding payment)
The Redwall Readers Club can only accept payments from International members by United States Dollar check, English Sterling cheque, or International Money Order in US Dollars or GB Sterling (Made payable to REDWALL ABBEY CO LTD) We are unable to process other currencies, credit cards, or any form of cash.

If you would like to join, send your name, postal address and your check/money-order to (please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery):

Redwall Readers Club
P.O. Box 57
Mossley Hill
Liverpool, UK
L18 3NZ

Members can also order additional items (pictured above), such as baseball caps, t-shirts, badges, pens, backpacks, and mousepads.

Please note that The Redwall Readers Club is IN NO WAY affiliated with The Long Patrol or The Redwall Newsline. This is merely meant to bring the club to my visitor's attention. If you would like more information on The Redwall Readers Club and it's merchandise, visit

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