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The Redwall Cookbook

Written by Brian Jacques
Illustrated by Christopher Denise has posted information regarding the much-anticipated Redwall Cookbook, a project hinted at as far back as 1996. Now a reality, gives fans a taste of what to expect.
For almost twenty years, devoted gluttons of the Tales of Redwall have craved the most tantalizing of dishes. Great Hall Gooseberry Fool. Shrimp ¹N Hotroot Soup. Mole¹s Favourite Turnip and Tater Deeper ¹N Ever Pie washed down with Summer Strawberry Fizz.

Now you can create‹and even better, EAT‹all the fantastic dishes found only behind the abbey walls of Redwall, home to the brave creatures of Mossflower Wood. With full-color illustrations throughout, a fun new tale from Redwall to tie together all the recipes, and a special note from Brian Jacques himself, The Redwall Cookbook is certain to turn inexperienced Dibbuns into seasoned chefs. A gift like no other for fans of the series old or new.

Serve warm with a generous helping of storytelling magic.

As the release of the long-awaited Redwall Cookbook draws nearer, fans have even more cause to rejoice. Providing illustrations for the Cookbook will be none other than Christopher Denise, illustrator of The Great Redwall Feast and A Redwall Winter's Tale!

The cover art (right) gives us an idea of what we can expect from the release.

The Redwall Cookbook will be released in on September 22nd, 2005, coinciding with the U.S. release of Brian's latest Redwall novel, High Rhulain.

Cover Art
US Cover Art
Redwall Cookbook
Art by Christopher Denise

  - Brian Jacques
  - Christopher Denise
Release Date
  - US: 9/22/05*
  - UK: N/A
Page Count
  - 104
  - UK: N/A
  - US: 0399237917
  - N/A

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