Catching up with ‘Redwall: The Graphic Novel’

The Redwall Graphic Novel page has been updated to include new tidbits of information, revised pagecount, ISBN numbers, release dates, and more.

Further, online catalogs have been posting the following summary of Redwall as the description of the Graphic Novel:

What can the peace-loving mice of Redwall Abbey do to defend themselves against a battle-seasoned army of rats? Teeming with riddles, humor, unforgettable characters, and high-bounding adventure, “Redwall” launched a series that has captured the world’s attention.

While hardly earth shattering news, it does show us how the item is being marketed.

Redwall: The Graphic Novel is slated for release on October 18th, 2007 (a busy day for Redwall fans).

About Martin the Warrior

Martin has been active in Redwall fandom for many years, founding The Long Patrol in 1996, The Redwall Newsline in 1997, and RWTV: Redwall on TV in 2001. He will be covering Redwall news as long as there is Redwall news to cover.