20th Anniversary Brings New Covers

Art by Blacksheep UK

Art by Blacksheep UK

In 1986, Brian Jacques’ first novel, Redwall, was published in the United Kingdom (it would not see publication in the United States until the following year, ’87). As such, 2006 marks the 20th Anniversary of Redwall in the UK and to celebrate, paperback publisher Red Fox is reissuing the books with a new title dress (see images, courtesy Amazon.co.uk) that will bring some uniformity to the books.

Redwall, Mossflower, Mattimeo, Salamandastron, Martin the Warrior, The Bellmaker, The Long Patrol, The Legend of Luke and Lord Brocktree have all been announced and are slated for release August 3rd, 2006 with a pricetag of £5.99. More are expected to follow.

All things considered, the new covers aren’t half-bad, although they do seem to be trying to appeal to a non-Redwaller demographic. It would be nice if they minted collectible coins based on these.

No word on whether or not these covers will find their way to the U.S. when we celebrate our 20th Anniversary for Redwall.

(Special thanks to LordTBT for getting me to start looking for these covers.)

About Martin the Warrior

Martin has been active in Redwall fandom for many years, founding The Long Patrol in 1996, The Redwall Newsline in 1997, and RWTV: Redwall on TV in 2001. He will be covering Redwall news as long as there is Redwall news to cover.