‘Urso Brunov’ Details Emerge

After checking with a few sources, I’ve been informed that The Tale of Urso Brunov is a picture book by Brian about a bear by the name of “Urso Brunov” (“Urso” being derived from the Latin word for bear, “Ursa”).

I was also told that Linda Goldberg is not associated with the book and will not be handling the art chores. In addition, the January 2003 release date appears to be incorrect.

Prompted by these new developments, I ran Brunov through an ISBN search that, in turn, named Alexi Natchev as the illustrater and the release date as September 1st, 2003. An additional search for “Alexi Natchev” led me to a site called “The Campus Chronicle” for the Savannah College of Arts and Designs. In a report from March 29th, 2002, it included the blurb:

“Illustration professor Alexi Natchev is working on a 48-page picture book written by renowned British writer Brian Jacques.”

I believe it is safe to say that Natchev is, indeed, the illustrator of Urso Brunov. This also tells us that the book is 48 pages (rather short for one of Brian’s picture books).

To summarize, The Tale of Urso Brunov is a 48-page picture book about a bear named “Urso Brunov”, written by Brian Jacques and illustrated by Alexi Natchev. The most probable release date is September 1st, 2003.

Keep your eyes on the Newsline for more developments.

About Martin the Warrior

Martin has been active in Redwall fandom for many years, founding The Long Patrol in 1996, The Redwall Newsline in 1997, and RWTV: Redwall on TV in 2001. He will be covering Redwall news as long as there is Redwall news to cover.