Preliminary U.K. Tour Dates Announced

Brian has posted preliminary dates for Brian’s 2007 U.K. Tour. (These dates are still subject to change.)

Wednesday May 30
Hay Festival, The Drill Hall, 2:30PM
25 Lion Street, Hay-on-Wye, Wales

August 11th or 12th, TBA
Edinburgh International Book Festival
Edinburgh, Scotland

Sunday September 30
Bath Literary Festival
Bath, UK

October 1st and 2nd, TBA
Bristol, UK

Be sure to check’s Tour Schedule here for future updates.


About Martin the Warrior

Martin has been active in Redwall fandom for many years, founding The Long Patrol in 1996, The Redwall Newsline in 1997, and RWTV: Redwall on TV in 2001. He will be covering Redwall news as long as there is Redwall news to cover.