“I’ll get it up tomorrow.”
With those words, many a webmaster fails to update. In my case, a lack of breaking news coupled with the Christmas Season ate up any time I had to work on updates. The weeks following Christmas were eaten up by time spent with family and gifts. (“Final Fantasy X” anyone?
But, not being one to let the site fall into a state of disrepair, here we go. A new year means new projects and newsflashes. So, welcome, once more, to The Long Patrol and The Redwall Newsline!
First up, Martin the Warrior has, indeed, been airing in Canada since the beginning of December. LP Forum members have been posting weekly thoughts on the series in the Television Series section. Also, Forum member Vitch has been posting screencaps and movies over on his own RWTV site at www.redwall.tv (not to be confused with the official site, www.redwalltv.com). Vitch’s site is well worth a visit, so be sure to drop by.
While there’s still no official word on when MTW will air on PBS, I have learned that PBS has secured the rights and is already “packaging” it for American broadcast (shooting BJ’s intros and the additional footage). My best estimate for an airdate would be this Spring, but keep in mind that’s an estimate.
Next up, The Long Patrol received the honor of being named “Best Redwall Site of 2001″ by the Redwall Awards. Thanks, guys! And thanks to all who nominated the site.
A few months ago, the popular magazine Starlog launched a spin-off magazine, Starlog Fantasy Worlds. In the magazine is a short article entitled “Fantasy Writers You Should Be Reading”. Coming in at #7 is none other than Brian Jacques!
Brian Jacques. This storyteller has created an amazingly rich world of animal fable in Redwall.
Included with the article is a picture of the PB edition of Lord Brocktree. For those interested, the other ten authors named were: Neil Gaiman, Clive Barker, Anne McCaffrey, Terry Pratchett, Richard Adams, Andre Norton, Stephen Donaldson, Diane Duane, Terry Brooks, and Stan Nichols. The magazine should still be on newsstands everywhere.
Finally, a big thank you to the following Newsline Supporters!
Sorry it took me so long to get you up here. Everyone should give these promising sites a visit!
Updates for the Editorial section, Art Gallery, Bookshelf, and RWTV are on the way, as well as a few more surprises. While you wait, go see The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring. Outstanding movie.
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