Winter’s Cover: Take 2


Art © Christopher Denise

Art © Christopher Denise has just posted a review of A Redwall Winter’s Tale. Included with that review is a cover… which is not the one I posted for you yesterday, thereby confirming my earlier theorization that, due to the font style, the cover was the UK edition. I have to say, this cover is much better. A really nice job, all around. Here, see for yourself:

Also, 80 pages has been confirmed (technically, I’ve had that information for awhile) as the page-count. Speaking of confirmed information, also posted news about an unabridged audio book version of The Taggerung… which I reported on June 2nd. ;) Still no official word on whether it’s fully-casted, like the Radio Plays, or just BJ. Either way, it looks great.

About Martin the Warrior

Martin has been active in Redwall fandom for many years, founding The Long Patrol in 1996, The Redwall Newsline in 1997, and RWTV: Redwall on TV in 2001. He will be covering Redwall news as long as there is Redwall news to cover.